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The editorial board, editor-in-chief, publishing house and authors of the electronic scientific journal “Science. Society. State” seek to improve the quality of the published articles, take all reasonable measures to prevent violations with the ethical standards, norms and rules given in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Code of Scientific Publication Ethics, the Declaration of the Associations of Scientific Editors and Publishers “Ethical principles of scientific publications” and follow the best practices of reputable international journals and publishers (Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement by Elsevier). In order to improve the quality of published materials, all submitted manuscripts (scientific articles, reports, reviews, etc.) are reviewed and checked by the anti-plagiarism system (Antiplagiat).
The editorial board and the editorial council of the journal strictly adhere to ethical standards in their activity and in relations with all participants in the publication process: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, retailers and readers. The list of ethical standards that authors, reviewers and editors of the electronic scientific journal “Science. Society. State” is given below.
1 Author’s ethics
1.1 The author is responsible for the content of the article and the fact of its publication.
1.2 The author should only present reliable results of the study or research and objective discussion of its significance. It is prohibited to make false or knowingly erroneous statements. When requested by the editor, the author should provide all data relevant to the manuscript.
1.3 The author guarantees that the scientific manuscript sent for publication is original. The manuscript submitted to the editorial board of the journal should not be published earlier, in whole or in part. An article cannot be sent to other journals until its review has completed.
1.4 The author cannot offer an article published in the journal to another journal.
1.5 Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. The references to the sources are required in case of direct quoting or word-for-word reproducing of any text, concept, drawings, etc. Information obtained, for example, during a conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties, can only be published with the written consent of the original source.
1.6 The author is obliged to inform the editor of any potential conflict of interest (employment, consultancy, royalties and other actions that may be seen as having an impact on the results of research or study or the conclusions presented in the article) and to indicate the source of funding (if any).
1.7 Only persons who have made a significant contribution to initiating and conducting research or study and interpreting data obtained can be considered as authors of the manuscript. All of them are listed among the authors. The final version of the article and its submission for publication should be approved by all authors. Other participants in the article preparation process can be named in the section of acknowledgments.
1.8 If errors are found in the manuscript after its submission for review, the author should inform the editorial board about it in order to correct the errors or withdraw the manuscript.
1.9 If a significant error is discovered in the published article, the author is obliged to notify the editorial board and the publisher and assist in eliminating or correcting the error.
1.10 The author is obliged to cooperate with the editorial board of the journal at the stages of reviewing and preparing the manuscript for publication. Upon receiving a review, the author should promptly respond to the comments and consider the recommendations of the reviewer. In case of disagreement with the reviewer’s assessment, the author sends reasoned objections to the editor. Finalising of the article should not take more than two months from the date of sending the review to the author by e-mail. The author is required to notify the editorial board of the refusal to modify the text.
2 Reviewer’s ethics
2.1 The reviewer examines the scientific manuscript submitted for publication from the standpoint of objectivity.
2.2 Criticism of the author’s personality is prohibited. The opinion of the reviewer should be clearly stated and justified.
2.3 Reviewing is done anonymously.
2.4 The reviewer who believes that he or she cannot be completely objective when examining a manuscript, for example, due to a conflict of interest with the author or funders, is obliged to refuse to participate in the review.
2.5 Unpublished data provided in the examined manuscript cannot be used by the reviewer without the written consent of the author.
2.6 The reviewer notes the absence of references to the publications that are significant for the disclosure of the topic of the article in the text and reference list, draws the editor’s attention to the match of the examined manuscript to any other publication or manuscript submitted to another journal.
3 Editor’s ethics
3.1 The editor is responsible for the publication of copyrighted manuscripts. The decision to accept or reject the manuscript relies on an assessment of the reliability and significance of the submitted manuscript, its compliance with the focus of the journal and the current legal standards regarding copyright and plagiarism.
3.2 The editor creates the environment for objective analysis of scientific manuscripts submitted for publication. Following the decision of the editor and the editorial board, the manuscript may be subjected to additional examination.
3.3 The content of the submitted articles is evaluated regardless of the race, national origin, civil affiliation, religion, gender, sexual orientation and political views of the author.
3.4 The manuscript received by the editor is treated as a confidential document. Only persons authorised by the editor-in-chief have the right to explore the manuscript.
3.5 Unpublished data presented in the examined manuscript cannot be used by the editors, reviewers and editorial board members in their research or study or transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author.
3.6 The editor does not tolerate publishing articles with plagiarism.
3.7 The editor should coordinate the editing with the author.
3.8 The editor is obliged to respond to claims arising in connection with the examination of manuscripts, publication of materials or detection of a conflict of interests to ensure the restoration of violated rights.
4 Disclosure policy and conflict of interests
4.1 Unpublished data obtained from the submitted articles may not be used in personal research or study without the written consent of the author.
4.2 Information or ideas obtained during the review and related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal gain.
4.3 the reviewers should not participate in the review of articles in case of a conflict of interests due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relations with any of the authors, companies or other organisations associated with the submitted manuscript.
5 Borrowing and plagiarism
The editorial board of the electronic scientific journal “Science. Society. State” when examining an article can check the material using the anti-plagiarism system (Antiplagiat). In case of detecting numerous borrowings, the editors act in accordance with the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics.
6 Preprint and postprint posting policy
During the submission process, the author needs to confirm that the article has not been published or has not been accepted for publication in another journal. When referring to the published article in the electronic scientific journal “Science. Society. State”, the publishing house requests to place a link (full URL of the material) to the official website of the journal.
7 Advertising policy
The editorial board adheres to ethical standards in its activity in accordance with the law on the media of the Russian Federation. The journal does not publish materials to accompany advertising and does not sell advertising in relation to specific articles.
Дата обновления: 08.04.2022 15:27